Welcome to M.S. Shaik Attorneys

Established in 1997, M.S. Shaik Attorneys is a dynamic law firm providing innovative legal solutions across the legal spectrum. Our specialist legal services cover the spectrum of tax, commercial, labour, civil litigation and dispute resolution.

Tax Law and Litigation

We represent our clients in VAT, Income Tax and other Tax Related disputes at the Tax Court, High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal.

Commercial Contract Drafting

Our Team of Lawyers have extensive experience in drafting and vetting commercial contracts such as service level agreements, lease agreements and loan agreements.

Commercial law and Litigation

Our Team of Lawyers represent our commercial clients in Commercial Arbitration and Commercial Litigation matters in the Magistrates’ Courts, High Courts and Supreme Court of Appeal.

Labour Law

We represent our clients at Disciplinary Enquiries, CCMA, Labour Court and Labour Court of Appeal. We also Chair Disciplinary and Appeal hearings and provide our findings to our clients in detailed reports.

Forensic Investigations

Our team specialises in conducting corporate Forensic Investigations to assist our clients in cases of corruption, nepotism, procurement irregularities, fraud, and other economic crimes.

Construction and Engineering Law

Our attorneys are well versed in all versions of the JBCC, CIDB, FIDIC and NEC contracts. Our attorneys are also experienced in handling Construction and Engineering disputes through Litigation and Arbitration.